Terry Wilkerson, Jr.
3 min readJan 6, 2021

I don’t think I ever imagined that I would get anywhere yet to publish anything let alone be apart to publish a literary magazine because I am still learning, which I don’t mind because I love knowledge. The overall experience of publishing a lit magazine for me is like a thrill especially if you are doing this with your friends. It feels like Ian’s quote from Jurassic Park, “life will not be contained. Life breaks free. Life finds a way,” and what I mean by that is that we always find a way, the right and good way to do things that we always want to do in life. To achieve our hopes and dreams. It is really exciting. Of course, at the time I have never heard or even had any knowledge of both what a literary magazine is or that this was even a thing. For me, I have always wanted to write books and being the kid that I am today, while that dream is still one of many of my ambitious priorities and dreams, I do have other dreams that are relatable to writing such as making movie scripts. I have written and created so many stories that my mind cannot stop dropping ideas. I have written something almost every day since the very first time of what memories I can remember since kindergarten. Some of the stories are about the same character in both books and a singular novel that I am working on with either his own stories or his point of view in very well-known famous pop culture references like movies or T.V. shows like Transformers or Anime or Marvel just to name a few. I have even created characters that I would hope one day change and inspire the world for the better good that I know that humanity possesses. So, experiencing publishing a literary magazine is very fun.

The overall process of working with friends on a literary mag has been interesting. We get to put our stories that the world can see and hopefully have other people do the same on our website with the knowledge that they will not have to be a slave to the fear of what other will say about their beautiful and magical stories that focus on any topic they so choose to commence and bring a new era of both new writers and hope as well. While I wait for that and I am very excited about both seeing and reading others’ gifts, this process has been overall a good experience of what I can expect in the future. The most exciting thing for me, however, is that I am working with my friends. I have so much fun working and reading their stories and I feel very much like that I am Thomas the Tank Engine and everyone else are my friends. That has been the most exciting thing. I know not what is to come for my future but I know that in my pure and gentle golden heart I couldn’t ask for anything more. The only hard thing about making a literary magazine is that you have to do a lot of things to keep promote the website like having solicitations and social media promotions. For me, the social media part is especially hard since I am someone who has never used a social media platform.

Seeing how other websites have incorporated their readings such as “The Vestel Review” and how people are compassionate about what they want to do. The way that literary magazines make their websites to hook, line, and sinker people in to get them excited and the messages on how they created these literary magazines are amazing. Especially on giving people fair opportunities for what they want to publish. I have learned that literary magazines are very beautiful and from I am bare witnessing to it is beautiful because of all of the work and thought people have made into their pieces. I am really happy about our newly-released Raptor Lit magazine. I cannot wait to see and do more.

Terry Wilkerson, Jr.

Hello! I am a writer from Louisville, Kentucky that loves to write and draw and so much more. Can’t wait to share more!